German Cockroach Prep

Full payment is collected before service, so please have your debit/credit card, personal check or cash ready.
In German cockroach control, sanitation is essential. The following steps must be taken before we perform a cockroach treatment. Success of our treatment depends on you!
All pesticides used by a licensed pest control company are child-friendly and pet-friendly when dry.

This is a 2-treatment process. If time allows, you will receive 2 texts and 2 emails before the appointment. You will only need to confirm once for the initial treatment and once for the follow-up. UNCONFIRMED APPOINTMENT: If you do not respond to our texts or emails for notification of service, we will assume you want to cancel the service. We do not show up for unconfirmed appointments.
Have all the recommended preparations completed before our arrival. If you are not prepared for service, please request more time before the scheduled appointment. If you have any questions, please call us at: (806) 773-0527.

For best results, follow the preparation instructions below. Quality time spent on proper preparation will be rewarded with faster results.

  1. Clean the kitchen thoroughly, including the floor, stove, range hood, and countertops. Use only warm soapy water, no chemicals. Clean the inside and outside of the dishwasher and leave it empty. Pull out the refrigerator, stove, etc. and clean behind and underneath (leave pulled out). All cleaning should be done before treatment, not after.
  2. Everything needs be removed from the kitchen cabinets, and above and below the sink. Drawers and countertops should be cleaned. Do not set anything on the countertops, except the coffee pot and microwave. Remove cabinet liners and wash the cabinets inside and out. Wipe out the drawers with a damp rag. Clean the sink and countertops well. Items may be placed on the kitchen table or on a couch or chair and should be covered with newspaper or a sheet. If there is anything left in the cabinets or drawers, those areas will not get treated and will result in less effective treatment. (Unless you have seen activity in the bathroom cabinets, you do not need to remove items there.) We need room to work, so do not place everything at the edge of the kitchen.
  3. Pick up and remove the trash from the inside.
  4. Sweep and vacuum all floors/carpets.
  5. If you applied any dust to cabinets, baseboards or floors, it must be removed completely before our service. Our product will not adhere to a surface that has dust on it.
  6. Pets should be removed from inside the house. Fish tanks should be covered or removed. If fish tanks are covered, the air pump should be shut off.
  7. Children’s toys, pet toys, food dishes, and exposed food should be placed in a protected area.
  8. Remove as much clutter as possible. For treatment, everything must be off the floors until dry. Take pictures/hanging objects off the walls in the kitchen or anywhere else that might be harboring roaches.
  9. If you are ill or pregnant, or if you or any member of your household has sensitivity to chemical odors or other odors, ChemTec Pest Control recommends that you contact us for product information and consult with your physician prior to the treatment.
  10. No pets or humans are allowed in the room during treatment. No one should re-enter treated rooms until all surfaces have dried (approximately 1 hour).

  11. Do not re-enter the premises for at least 1 hour, unless directed otherwise. If you have medical problems or are sensitive to odors, it may be advisable to stay out longer. Consult your physician.
    Upon re-entering the treated premises, it may be necessary to open windows and doors to air thoroughly.
  12. Thoroughly wash (with warm soapy water) all exposed eating surfaces (including the table and countertops) and any exposed dishes and silverware. Do not wash any treated surfaces such as baseboards.
  13. You may place things back in the cabinets and drawers as soon as you return. You may clean the horizontal portions of the cabinets with warm soapy water, but do not wipe down the vertical portions or the joints, as this is where the majority of the product has been placed.
  14. Do not throw away any pieces of drinking straws you may find. These contain bait to attract the roaches.
  15. For the roaches to eat our bait, we do not want a competing food source. Do not allow food and garbage that accumulates in areas where roaches feed or hide.
  16. Pet food should be picked up at night and stored in sealed containers.
    It is normal to see roaches for several days after the treatment. It may take several days for roaches hiding in inaccessible areas to make contact with the treated surfaces. ChemTec will retreat your residence in approximately 2 weeks. It is usually not necessary to clear out cupboards for follow-up treatments unless we request it (depending on the severity of the infestation). Please remove all dead roaches from the floors, cabinets, etc.
  17. There may be a smell, so please be ready to spend some time outside of the residence. If you are ill or pregnant, or if you or any member of your household has sensitivity to chemical odors or other odors, ChemTec Pest Control recommends that you contact us for product information and consult with your physician prior to the treatment.
    DO NOT SPRAY ANY OVER-THE-COUNTER PRODUCTS OR INTERNET HOME REMEDIES ON TOP OF OUR TREATMENT. (This will only cost you more money, as it dilutes our products and you will need more treatments.)

    UNCONFIRMED FOLLOW-UP APPOINTMENT: If you do not respond to our texts or emails for notification of service, we will assume you want to cancel the service. We do not show up for unconfirmed appointments.
    NO-SHOW FOR FOLLOW-UP APPOINTMENT: If the technician arrives and you are not available between the confirmed hours, we will not wait. You will forfeit your free follow-up.
  18. The follow-up focuses on the kitchen ONLY.
  19. It is usually not necessary to clear out cabinets for follow-up treatments unless we request it (depending on the severity of the infestation). Please remove all dead roaches from the floors, cabinets, etc.
  20. Thoroughly wash (with warm soapy water) all countertop surfaces. Do not set anything on the countertops, except the coffee pot and microwave.
  21. Sweep and vacuum all floors/carpets.
  22. Pick up and remove the trash from the inside.
  23. Children’s toys, pet toys, food dishes, and exposed food should be placed in a protected area.

  24. Do not wash any treated surfaces such as baseboards for 1 week after treatment
  25. For the roaches to eat our bait, we do not want a competing food source. Do not allow food and garbage to accumulate in areas where roaches feed or hide. Continue to clean up food and garbage that accumulates in areas where roaches feed or hide. Pet food should be picked up at night and stored in sealed containers.
  26. If you would prefer continuous protection from cockroaches, you will need monthly service. This program will cover other pests as well. Ask us for details.
  27. Success of our treatment depends on you. SANITATION IS ESSENTIAL!